ANGIOGENES: A knowledge database for angiogenesis

Institute of Cardiovascular Regeneration, Goethe University Frankfurt

Gene Info

Gene AccessionGene NameTax IDStrandPositionGene Biotype
ENSDARG00000016999 lin28a 7955 + 19:15536660-15564825 TR_J_gene
  Transcript Accession Transcript Name Position Transcript Biotype
  ENSDART00000098970 lin28a-001 15536660-15564825 TR_J_gene
  ENSDART00000135923 lin28a-003 15538991-15548264 TR_J_gene
  ENSDART00000140276 lin28a-002 15536757-15540026 TR_J_gene
  ENSDART00000142509 lin28a-004 15539848-15563886 TR_J_gene
  ENSDART00000146548 lin28a-005 15539019-15548591 TR_J_gene
  ENSDART00000151732 lin28a-006 15538701-15564083 TR_J_gene
  ENSDART00000171403 lin28a-201 15538959-15564306 TR_J_gene

Expression Patterns

Heat Map
Numeric Values
Transcript'; LECsENSDART00000098970ENSDART00000171403
Transcript ID LECs
ENSDART00000098970 0.086±0.00
ENSDART00000171403 2.478±0.00

Conserved Regions

Not located within a conserved region.

Gene Ontology

GO IDEvidence TypeGO Description
GO:0000932 ISS cytoplasmic mRNA processing body
GO:0003676 IEA nucleic acid binding
GO:0003677 IEA DNA binding
GO:0003723 ISS RNA binding
GO:0005634 ISS nucleus
GO:0005737 IEA cytoplasm
GO:0006355 IEA regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent
GO:0008270 IEA zinc ion binding
GO:0010494 ISS cytoplasmic stress granule
GO:0010587 ISS miRNA catabolic process
GO:0010629 IMP negative regulation of gene expression
GO:0019827 ISS stem cell maintenance
GO:0031047 IEA gene silencing by RNA
GO:0031054 ISS pre-miRNA processing
GO:0031099 IMP regeneration
GO:0031123 ISS RNA 3'-end processing
GO:0046872 IEA metal ion binding


ENSEMBL Accession Gene Name Description Biotype Species
ENSG00000131914 LIN28A lin-28 homolog A (C. elegans) protein_coding Homo_sapiens
ENSMUSG00000050966 Lin28a protein_coding Mus_musculus
