ANGIOGENES: A knowledge database for angiogenesis

Institute of Cardiovascular Regeneration, Goethe University Frankfurt

Gene Info

Gene AccessionGene NameTax IDStrandPositionGene Biotype
ENSDARG00000042151 skia 7955 - 8:17360217-17480736 protein_coding
  Transcript Accession Transcript Name Position Transcript Biotype
  ENSDART00000100667 skia-001 17360217-17480736 protein_coding

Expression Patterns

Heat Map
Numeric Values
Transcript'; LECsUnknown1Unknown2ENSDART00000100667
Transcript ID LECs Unknown1 Unknown2
ENSDART00000100667 0.237±0.11 5.812±0.00 14.260±0.00

Conserved Regions

Not located within a conserved region.

Gene Ontology

GO IDEvidence TypeGO Description
GO:0000122 IBA negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0000166 IEA nucleotide binding
GO:0001947 IMP heart looping
GO:0005634 IEA nucleus
GO:0005737 IBA cytoplasm
GO:0009953 IDA dorsal/ventral pattern formation
GO:0030512 IBA negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
GO:0030514 IBA negative regulation of BMP signaling pathway
GO:0042981 IBA regulation of apoptotic process
GO:0046332 IEA SMAD binding
GO:0051216 IMP cartilage development
GO:0061337 IGI cardiac conduction


ENSEMBL Accession Gene Name Description Biotype Species
ENSG00000157933 SKI SKI proto-oncogene protein_coding Homo_sapiens
ENSMUSG00000029050 Ski protein_coding Mus_musculus
